Spanish Club


Cosby’s Spanish Club is a non-academic club for any Cosby student that is excited about the Spanish language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Our activities encourage students to meet with other students who are passionate about the Spanish language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world to partake in monthly meetings, each of which has different fun activities.


Some of our meetings include activities related to Día de los Muertos (Day of The Dead), playing games in Spanish, learning a variety of dances from the Spanish-speaking world, just name a few. We also help Cosby by cleaning the stadium a few times each fall after home football games. Finally, we sometimes collect money/items to donate to groups in need around the holiday season (December).

Time Commitment

We usually have one meeting a month, which usually lasts one hour (from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. generally). When we have other activities, like cleaning up the stadium, they are usually one hour commitments. Meeting days vary from month to month; students will usually know about which day of the week a meeting will be a couple of weeks beforehand.

How to Sign Up

Talk to any Cosby Spanish Teacher and they’ll let you know when the next meeting/activity is! We usually have flyers posted in their classrooms within a couple of weeks before our next activity. The yearly dues per student is $15, which includes all the meetings for the year and a cool t-shirt!


Mark Lanigan

Email Mark Lanigan