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Welcome to Transportation

The transportation system in Chesterfield County Public Schools is the largest in central Virginia.

Each day

  • We transport more than 55,000 students

  • Our buses travel about 26,000 miles  

  • Buses cover more than 2,500 routes

The transportation department works to safely transport students to and from school each day.  

When possible, bus stops are established to ensure that no elementary student must walk farther than about 0.3 miles and that middle school and high school students walk no farther than approximately 0.5 of a mile to the bus stop location.

Students must board and leave the bus at their assigned bus stop. Students should arrive at least five minutes before the time listed and 10 minutes earlier during the first week of school. 

The transportation department reserves the right to revise or change bus stops. All students who are affected by any changes will be notified in writing.