January 24, 2024
Students in grades 9-12 can register for CCPSOnline classes starting Feb. 5. With learning available 24/7 in a no-bells, no-limits virtual environment, the flexibility of CCPSOnli...

December 6, 2023
Elizabeth Scott Elementary School has been selected as a 2023 National ESEA Distinguished School. No more than two schools per state receive this prestigious designation each ...

November 28, 2023
Here is the graduation schedule for the class of 2024:
May 20: Matoaca High at 9 a.m. at Virginia State University and Thomas Dale High at 3 p.m. at Virginia Commonwealth...

November 1, 2023
Congratulations to our outstanding teachers who are among this year’s finalists for the R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence:
Mary Elise Chonko of CTC@Hull Kristen Hepburn o...