Vision Statement
The Chalkley School Counseling Program will support ALL students by engaging them in relevant and innovative activities to build skills and gain knowledge that will help them to achieve to their fullest potential in their education and to be prepared in the future to become productive, capable citizens in our changing world. Our vision is based on the beliefs that:
All students can achieve, learn, and be productive members of society
All students have the right to equal access to resources and a challenging academic curriculum
All students have dignity and worth
All students should learn in an environment in which their cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, abilities/disabilities, sexual, spiritual/religious, language, and socio-economic differences are valued and considered in program development
All students benefit from a comprehensive, data-driven, and developmentally appropriate school counseling program delivered by a state-certified professional school counselors which includes prevention and intervention services and follows ASCA professional counseling ethics
All students benefit from a collaboration between families, schools, and the community
Mission Statement
The Chalkley School Counselors will provide a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate program that addresses the academic, career, and personal/social developmental needs of all students through varied services that provide opportunities for diverse needs, interests, and abilities in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. The counselors will collaborate with students, staff, families, and the community to assist students in becoming highly educated, healthy, and responsible citizens.
What is a School Counselor?
School counselors are certified/ licensed educators with a minimum of a master’s degree in school counseling, making them uniquely qualified to address all students’ academic, career and social/emotional development needs by designing, implementing, evaluating and enhancing a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes and enhances student success. School counselors are employed in elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools; in district supervisory positions; and counselor education positions.
Copied from the American School Counselor Association website: https://www.schoolcounselor.org/parents-public