School Information
James River is a comprehensive high school with a student body of approximately 2000 in grades 9 – 12. The school has a staff of 160 teachers and support staff including two librarians, one technology coordinator, eight school counselors and five administrators. A well-developed program of activities and athletics is available. James River competes in the Group AAA, Dominion District of the Central Region in the Virginia High School League and fields forty teams. Additionally, students have nearly 50 clubs/activities in which to participate. During the 1999-2000 school year, the U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School Program designated James River as a nationally recognized school of excellence. In the 2007-08 school year, JRHS was designated a “Model School” by the International Center for Leadership in Education.
Belief Statements
To accomplish our mission, we the James River High School community, believe that we must recognize and follow these beliefs:
We believe that all students can learn. Society benefits when individuals reach their full potential.
We live in a time of significant change with unique challenges and demands.
Lifelong Learning
Rapid technological and social changes necessitate continual learning.
A quality education is still based on sound academic knowledge and principles.
We recognize the importance of a well-rounded educational experience, including physical fitness and the fine and practical arts.
A curriculum should have relevance to the “real world”.
Character and Citizenship
Positive character and citizenship development require an environment that fosters personal responsibility, integrity, and respect for all.
Parent and Community
Education is a shared responsibility which involves parents, the community, and the school. Parental involvement and support are important factors in a student’s education.
Communication is a critical component to foster and maintain cooperation and involvement among all groups within the school community.
The need to compete in our global society requires the development of skills and an understanding of emerging technologies of our time.
We recognize the need for policies and procedures that provide for all students while respecting the uniqueness of each individual.
It is important to recognize and appreciate the contributions of all the various groups within our diverse population.
Safe Environment
Students and staff require a safe environment that is conducive to learning.