School Information
Mascot: Lancers
Colors: Navy Blue & Orange
The mission of Manchester High School is to work in partnership with students, families and the community to emphasize and support high levels of achievement through a global education for all, with options and opportunities to meet the diverse needs and interests of individual students.
Manchester High School strives at all times to provide a safe, supportive atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning that is free of discrimination or harassment. All students have a right to be treated fairly.
Lancers exemplify the following core values at all times:
Lancers are. . .
SAFE – We make sure that our actions do not harm others or interfere with their rights to privacy, personal space, and safeguarding of their personal property.
PRESENT – We come to every class every day on time and ready to learn.
RESPONSIBLE – We take pride in any work that has our name on it. We follow through to turn in assignments. We stay organized so that we can succeed.
COMMUNITY MINDED – We give our attention and consideration to people who are trying to educate us and communicate with us. We treat others as we wish to be treated. We turn off electronic devices while in class to give our full attention to our studies.
SPaRC your success!