Welcome to the Robious Middle School Scheduling Page. Please review options carefully.
Sample Course Sheets
Required Courses
All students take English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health & PE. For help deciding the most appropriate level choices for your student, please talk with your student’s current teachers and reference the Robious Course Catalog which contains helpful information on the difference on levels to consider when deciding.
Rising 6th Grade
Rising 6th Grade Informational Slides
Important Dates & Deadlines:
January 30: Rising Sixth Grade Night (Parents & Students)
February 3-7: MS counselors visit elementary schools
February 12: Class selections due to elementary schools
March 24: Deadline for all class changes/requests
Mid-August: Tentative schedules available on Parent/StudentVue
August 18: First day of school for sixth graders only
Decisions will be shared through ParentVue under the “Documents” Tab in late January/early February. Decisions are due to the Office of Gifted Education by February 14 too. Any necessary changes to course selections will be communicated in March.
Rising 7th & 8th Grade
Important Dates & Deadlines:
January 27-31: MS classroom counselor visits
February 7: Course Request sheets due to counseling office
March 24: Deadline to change requests
August 19: First day of school for 7th & 8th graders
In 7th & 8th grade, students choose elective(s) to fill one block. This may be one year-long course or two semester courses.
Scroll down and click on each Elective Course to read course descriptions and videos.