Welcome to the Spring Run Elementary PTA!
Our mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We support teachers and staff by doing various things all year round. We have a presence at county board meetings, and we advocate for our students.
We wouldn't be able to do this without your help. Our PTA is made up of local volunteers, who are community members just like you!
Support and Volunteer
You can sign up for a PTA membership and purchase spirit wear in our online PTA store.
Are you someone who is interested in giving back in this unique way? Send a message to volunteer@springrunpta.com with the word "Volunteer" today to find out more about how you can give back through the PTA. Together we can!
PTA Meetings
Join us in the library every third Tuesday evening of the month this school year (except December) at 7 p.m. for our General Membership Meeting.
If you have any questions, concerns or need to contact our PTA, you may email president@springrunpta.com.
2024-25 PTA Board
President - Ashlee Creador - president@springrunpta.com
Treasurer - Matt McCollester - treasurer@springrunpta.com
Secretary - Kara Fisher - secretary@springrunpta.com
VP Membership - Megan Price - membership@springrunpta.com
VP Programs - Nakia Taylor - programs@springrunpta.com
VP Ways & Means - Sara Eisert-Wlodarczyk - waysandmeans@springrunpta.com