Off and away all day

The School Board passed an updated policy regarding student cellphone use at its meeting Dec. 10. The new policy took effect Jan. 1. (This information was emailed to families Dec. 11 and included in the Dec. 13 and Dec. 20 digital newsletters to families.) See the full content of policy 4010-R regarding cellphone guidance here

What you need to know

When students return from winter break, the updated policy means that cellphones must be stored away and out of sight. Students will not be able to use a cellphone or have a cellphone in sight at any time during the instructional day. This includes lunch, times between classes, when students are in hallways, etc. If a cellphone is not stored out of sight or is being used during the instructional day, it could result in confiscation and other consequences that are outlined in the policy. 

Prepare now

The changes will have little impact on current practices in elementary and middle schools, but there will be significant changes in high schools. It is important to talk with your child about these changes before they take place so they can begin planning for them. Schools will soon share detailed information about what the policy means for students and the process that will be used to implement the policy.