A father helping out her daughter in class

County Council of PTAs

PTA mission

The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

What is a council of PTAs?

A council of PTAs is a group of local units organized for promoting PTA/PTSA issues within a certain boundary. In the Virginia Congress of PTAs, there are about 114 councils. These councils operate under state PTA-approved bylaws, just like local PTA units. They are valuable sources of communication, resources, guidance and information.

The goals of the Chesterfield County Council of PTAs are to support local PTAs by providing leadership training and guidance, offering programs to educate PTA leaders and families and serving as a communication link with the Chesterfield County School Board, school system administrators and higher PTA levels (James River District, state and national PTA).

Message from the council

There are all kinds of parent groups out there, but there is only one PTA. The oldest and largest child advocacy association in America, PTA is the defining organization for parent involvement. We are a nationwide network of families, educators and other concerned adults who advocate for children at all levels of decision-making.

In addition to involvement at individual schools, PTA has a voice in district, state and national conversations about improving education, health and safety conditions for America’s children. Many of the benefits children receive today, such as universal kindergarten, the national school lunch program and a juvenile justice system, were accomplished as a result of the PTA mission.

Through PTA, families also have access to notable benefits:

  • Dozens of national programs, experts and turnkey resources

  • Regular updates and advice from all PTA levels: national, state, district, county and local

  • Leadership development

  • Millions of dollars in grants

  • National awards

  • Cost-savings from national retailers and other PTA partners

  • Support services and staff to help establish and manage your PTA

  • Networking opportunities at PTA conferences

To join PTA or discuss how to bring PTA to your school, email president@cccptas.com.


Chesterfield County Council of PTAS
Virginia PTA
National PTA