English as a Second Language
Chesterfield County Public Schools is committed to meeting the individual needs of our English learners by providing equitable access to engaging, high-quality instruction. Through an English immersion program, English learners are empowered to be global citizens equipped for success in school and beyond.
The ESL program provides support for English learners as well as school staff and administrators, including:
Sheltered, collaborative, direct instruction to English learners
Monitoring of student progress in English language development and academic success
Professional development for teachers, counselors and administrators working with English learners
Individualized support and consultation to school staff regarding English learners
Communication and collaboration with English learner stakeholders
Resources and opportunities for community and school engagement for parents who are English learners
Outreach programs to empower limited English parents to become decision makers and advocates for their children’s education
How does the ESL program work?
Potential students are identified for the ESL program through the registration process. Entry is based on the student’s level of English language proficiency as measured by performance on standardized statewide assessments.
ESL programs are available in all Elementary, Middle, and High Schools
ESL instruction incorporates Chesterfield County Public Schools curriculum, Virginia Standards of Learning and WIDA English Language Development Standards.
Instruction for English learners emphasizes development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English.
ESL instruction includes a variety of best practices that simultaneously integrate and develop language and content.
Parent support is provided through outreach programs such as Parent as Educational Partners (PEP) that address topics such as U.S. school culture, literacy and English language development.
Interpreter and translator services are available to CCPS schools.
Funding is provided by CCPS and Title III Part A under ESEA.
*FastTrack to Success is a two-year, center-based English immersion program serving students between the ages of 17 and 22. Criteria for entry, progress and exit are based on a student’s age, academic history, and level of English language proficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do parents need to know about getting their child involved in the ESL program?
During enrollment, every family must complete the Home Language Survey. If a language other than English is noted, the student will be screened to determine the level of English proficiency. Students are identified as English learners based on results from the screening process.
Is the standardized state test given annually to determine level of proficiency and whether a child can exit the program?
Yes, the Virginia English Language Proficiency Assessment, WIDA ACCESS 2.0, is given annually until the student reaches the exit criteria.
Adult ESL programs are available through Chesterfield County Public Schools Adult Continuing Education program.