Solving problems
Solving problems as quickly as possible
Everyone within Chesterfield County Public Schools works to support students and help them grow into strong young people. When problems arise that get in the way of learning, schools want to connect with students and families to solve those problems.
But we can only solve problems that we know about, so communicating to school staff members is how problem-solving starts.
When parents have a concern, the best path is to begin with the adults most directly involved in your student’s school life: teachers, school counselors, coaches, assistant principals and principals. Most problems can be solved by connecting with one or more of these professionals. If the first school employee is unable to resolve the situation, then this chart shows the next step to take. (It may be tempting to jump over steps, post on social media or contact a news organization, but those actions will not be as helpful for your student as following this problem-solving process.)