kids learning

Summer Programs

2025 summer programs

Fill in learning gaps. Strengthen skills. Get ahead. Whatever your motivation, summer school can help make summer count! Summer programs are available for students with and without an individualized education program (IEP) who meet the criteria:

  • Students currently in grades K-5 who receive an invitation from their school based on academic need

  • Students currently in grades 6-8 who receive an invitation from their school based on academic need

  • Students taking high school courses who received a D or F overall average and who receive an invitation from their school to participate or for students who want to take certain classes for the first time to get ahead

  • Students with individualized education programs currently in grades K-12 and instructed on Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning: instruction in reading, mathematics, communication and functional skills; enrollment is based on individual student need

  • Students in grades K-12 who receive ESL services and who receive an invitation from their school based on academic need and English proficiency level 

    • Level 1-2 should enroll in ESL summer classes.

    • Level 3-4 should enroll in general content classes.

  • Students who will enter kindergarten in August 2025: instruction for all invited students who complete kindergarten registration by May 28

  • Students in grades 1-12 (in the 2025-26 school year) interested in camps focused on cultural arts, career pathways, basketball, art or world languages

Registration dates

  • CCPSOnline summer classes are for students who want to take a high school course for the first time. CCPSOnline registration opened Feb. 3 and closes April 25. 

  • Registration for all other summer classes opens April 7. May 28 is the deadline to register for most opportunities.

  • Registration for summer camps opens March 6 and closes as each camp fills up.

School readiness for rising kindergartners

This opportunity is for children who will be in kindergarten in August 2025 and is based on their school readiness assessment. To enroll in this free program to build kindergarten readiness skills, children must have completed kindergarten registration (which includes a physical) by May 28. Transportation will be provided for students accepted by May 28.  

  • Register here starting April 7 for all elementary schools except Bellwood.

  • Register here starting April 7 for Bellwood Elementary, which follows a year-round calendar. 

Registration for rising kindergartners

Opens April 7

Elementary school

Available for students who have been notified they meet the criteria for summer school based on academic need, their performance on standardized assessments or state remediation criteria. If you have questions about your child’s eligibility, then contact your school. Breakfast and lunch are available; transportation provided for students registered by May 28. Register here starting April 7.

For elementary students with disabilities instructed on Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning, summer instruction will provide reinforcement in math, reading, communication and functional skills. Parents will be notified if a student meets the criteria. If a parent wants their child to attend summer school, they will need to complete a form and return it to the coordinator of special education at their child’s school. Central office staff will register the student. Breakfast and lunch are available; transportation will be provided for students registered by May 28.

Registration for Elementary School programs

Opens April 7

Middle school

Available for students who have been notified they meet the criteria for summer school based on their performance on standardized assessments or state remediation criteria. If you have questions about your child’s eligibility, then contact your school. Breakfast and lunch are available; transportation provided for students registered by May 28.

Register here starting April 7.

Coordinators of special education will register students with disabilities instructed on Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning.

Special note about math bridge course: New to summer school this year is a math 8 summer bridge course. This course is required for rising eighth graders who are currently enrolled in math 7 during the 2024-25 school year and hope to take algebra I in the 2025-26 school year. Students must take and pass the course to enroll in algebra I in eighth grade. Seventh graders who were enrolled in middle school math II, math 7 honors or math 8 honors do not need to enroll in the summer bridge course. Complete details about the math bridge class are available here. This is the only middle school course that has a registration form separate from ParentVUE.

Starting April 7, register here for one of these math bridge options: in person, virtual synchronous or virtual asynchronous.

Registration for Middle School programs

Opens April 7

High school in-person instruction

In-person instruction is available for students who have been notified they meet the criteria for summer school based on their performance on standardized assessments, state remediation criteria or state graduation requirements. Register here starting April 7. Coordinators of special education will register students with disabilities instructed on Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning. If you have questions about your child’s eligibility, then contact your school. Breakfast and lunch are available; transportation provided for students accepted by May 28.

Special note about in-person driver’s education: One in-person summer class is available for high school students who want to take a class for the first time to get ahead or create room in their schedule for 2025-26. CCPSOnline offers many online classes for acceleration, but driver’s education is the only in-person class for acceleration available in the summer. Here are details: Driver’s education (classroom portion only; $150 tuition for students taking this for the first time) is offered June 23-July 10 at Clover Hill High; June 30-July 17 at James River High; and June 30-July 17 at Thomas Dale High.

Registration for High School programs

Opens April 7

High school virtual instruction

Virtual instruction is available via CCPSOnline for students who want to take high school credit courses for acceleration. This means taking a class in the summer for the first time to get ahead or to create more room in their schedule for classes during the regular school year. Register here for CCPSOnline. Summer registration opened Feb. 3 and closes at 5 p.m. April 25.

Test prep for SAT, SOLs and W!se

Targeted sessions help students prepare for tests. Get more information here, then register between April 7 and May 28.

SOL Academy

Students who passed a course but failed the corresponding SOL test may attend the SOL Academy free of charge. Register between April 7 and May 28 using the links at right.

  • Math SOL Academy

  • Science SOL Academy

  • Social Studies SOL Academy

  • Reading (English 11) SOL Academy

  • Writing (English 10) SOL Academy

Registration opens April 7

W!se Academy

The W!se Academy is free and open to any student who passed the economics and personal finance course but did not pass or attempt the W!se financial literacy test and who needs a career and technical education credential to graduate. Register between April 7 and May 28. 

Registration opens April 7

SAT Academy

Rising juniors and seniors are invited to attend the SAT Academy. The SAT Academy is free, but a required study guide must be purchased. Register between April 7 and May 28.

Registration opens April 7

Summer Enrichment Camps

Give it a go! Summer camps offer a chance to explore new subjects. 

Here are ways to pay camp fees:

  • Pay online anytime using the school system’s online school payment portal.

  • Pay by check 8 a.m.-2 p.m. April 30 in Room 109 at CTC@Courthouse (10101 Courthouse Road). 

  • Pay by check 8 a.m.-2 p.m. May 13 in Room D110 at CTC@Hull (13900 Hull Street Road). 

Frequently asked questions