Preparing for College
Quick Tips for Applying for College
Testing, letters of recommendation, applications, essays, and transcripts can seem daunting. We are here to help.
Faqs and Deadlines
A general timeline shows what action is typically needed or required during high school and each month of senior year. Please review and forward all questions to your school counselor. Start by considering what college is best for your child.
College Essay - Tell Your Story
Emily Stains, Chesterfield County Public Schools curriculum specialist for secondary literacy, explains some basic concepts and ideas for writing the college essay.
Additional Resources
GRASP Information
Great Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP) is a career and college access organization with a goal of ensuring every student has an equal opportunity for continuing education after high school, regardless of financial or social circumstances. GRASP helps all students and their families, with a focus on financially disadvantaged households, by
Giving inspiration and hope that their goals are attainable
Assisting with the financial aid process and awarding scholarships
Supporting the attainment of post-secondary goals at the lowest possible cost
The program encourages high school seniors to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as a first step toward their postsecondary education/training goals. GRASP Advisors can assist students/families with FAFSA completion, virtually and free of charge.
GRASP’s financial aid advising services are available throughout the academic year. For more information, visit the GRASP website, email advising@grasp4va.org, call 804-923-0059 or contact your school’s counseling office to make an appointment with the school’s GRASP Advisor.