Group of diverse goup smiling

Mirror Me Teacher Diversity Initiative

The application window for Mirror Me for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed.
Please contact Dr. Carmen Waterford ( with any questions.

Mirror me logo

Chesterfield County Public Schools recognizes that a diverse teaching workforce benefits all staff and students. With more than half of the student population identifying as other than white, Chesterfield County Public Schools is considered a “majority-minority” school division, but division staff does not currently reflect the student population.

The Mirror Me program aims to recruit and retain teachers of varied backgrounds by increasing the number of minority teachers, changing the perceptions of hiring practices and promoting the importance of the teaching profession.

CCPS has partnered with Brightpoint Community College, Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia State University to build pathways for students to pursue higher education and become teachers in their own community.

How Mirror Me works:

Mirror Me is available to Chesterfield County high school juniors, seniors and college students pursuing degrees in education at Brightpoint Community College, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia State University who are interested in becoming a teacher.

Program participants who successfully complete a teaching degree through VCU or VSU are guaranteed a teaching position in Chesterfield County Public Schools.

Who is eligible?

At the high school level, Mirror Me identifies juniors and seniors in Chesterfield Schools who have the aptitude and mindset for teaching and creates a pathway for them to reach that career goal in Chesterfield County through teaching programs at Brightpoint Community College, Virginia Commonwealth University, or Virginia State University. By connecting with students in its schools, the division can strengthen the teacher workforce and increase the number of diverse candidates who return to serve their community.

College students currently enrolled at Brightpoint Community College, Virginia Commonwealth University, or Virginia State University seeking a teaching degree can also enter the program.

What are the benefits?

Participants will receive support through mentoring programs and financial incentives throughout their undergraduate experience. Each participant will be guaranteed a teaching contract with Chesterfield County Public Schools upon graduation.

CCPS high school juniors, seniors, and students at Brightpoint, VCU, and VSU interested in the Mirror Me program should complete the application.

Apply for the Mirror Me Program

Applications in other languages available upon request.


Email Dr. Carmen Waterford (

Mirror Me Infographic