Dad helping son in classroom

Programs for Families

Coffee & Conversation

Coffee & Conversation events are virtual gatherings to explore topics important to parents and caregivers. Each webinar provides an opportunity to learn, ask questions and discuss. Events are facilitated by the CCPS Office of Community Engagement in collaboration with Chesterfield County Prevention Services.

Coffee & Conversation events are held on Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Use this form to register for events listed below.

Coffee & Conversation logo with three coffee cup stains

Cafe y Conversación

We're introducing a new discussion series for our Spanish-speaking families called Cafe y Conversación.

La crianza de los hijos es difícil. Los niños no vienen con manual de usuario. Entonces, ¡tome una taza de café y obtenga apoyo amistoso! Juan Santacoloma, Especialista en Socios Comunitarios, Oficina de Participación Familiar y Comunitaria y Sierra Garland y María Crostic Especialistas en Prevención, Servicios de Apoyo de Salud Mental de Chesterfield discutirán formas de ayudar y comprender a sus hijos.

Regístrese para tantas sesiones como desee. Se le enviará un enlace de la reunión unos días antes de la sesión. Las sesiones serán grabadas.

Todas las presentaciones son en español y realizadas por profesionales que hablan este idioma.

Cafe y Conversacion

What's Next Wednesdays

What's Next Wednesdays is the latest series geared toward high school students and their families who are getting ready to take their next steps after graduation. From finding the "right fit" to navigating financial aid, this process can be stressful for our students and the adults in their lives. What's Next Wednesdays is here to help!

Use the form linked below to register for upcoming events. Once registered, you will receive a Google Meet link to attend the meeting.

All sessions are virtual and start at 6 p.m.

FACE FWD Film Series 2025

The FACE FWD Film Series, presented by the Office of Family and Community Engagement of Chesterfield County Public Schools, offers families and CCPS staff free access to thought-provoking films. This series fosters connection and learning by addressing cultural competencies, social-emotional needs, and adolescent supports, empowering attendees with valuable insights and resources.

NEW DATE - Anxious Nation

Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 p.m.
CTC @ Hull auditorium

Join us for an impactful evening centered on understanding and addressing the growing concerns of anxiety in children and adolescents. We will screen the 51-minute broadcast version of Anxious Nation, a powerful documentary that sheds light on the alarming rise of anxiety in today’s youth. The film explores the science behind anxiety and emphasizes the importance of compassionate care, reducing stigma, and providing evidence-based solutions.

Following the screening, stay for an engaging panel discussion with mental health support specialist Amanda Whitlow and parenting specialist Rachel Bailey. The conversation will provide insights, answer questions, and offer guidance. Attendees will also learn about local resources to support families in their journey toward mental wellness.

This event is designed to spark meaningful conversations, build awareness, and connect our community with tools and support for managing anxiety in children. We invite parents, educators, mental health professionals, and anyone interested in fostering a healthier, more compassionate approach to addressing anxiety in our youth.

The New Drug Talk

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m.
CTC @ Hull auditorium

Join us for a special screening of The New Drug Talk, a powerful film designed to equip parents and caregivers with accurate information about fentanyl and its impact on today’s drug landscape. This film highlights the dangers of self-medication and casual drug use in the fentanyl era while encouraging healthier coping strategies for stress and mental health challenges.

Following the screening, a panel discussion will be held featuring experts from SAFE, Mental Health Support Services of Chesterfield County, and Chesterfield County Public Schools. Panelists will provide insights, answer questions, and share resources to support families in having open and informed conversations with their children.

Attendees will also receive free resources, including Naloxone, medication locking and disposal pouches, printed information about fentanyl and fake pills, and details on regional substance use resources. Don’t miss this important event to learn how we can work together to protect our children and promote healthier choices.

The New Drug Talk

Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6:30 p.m.
CTC @ Hull auditorium

Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition is tailored specifically for parents, students, and educators involved with elementary school-age children.

This new film features compelling data and captivating stories that will resonate with anyone who cares about the well-being of young children. The film includes dialogue with incredible thought leaders including social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, author of the current bestselling book, The Anxious Generation.

The 55-minute documentary will be followed by a panel discussion including school staff and county agencies. Screenagers Elementary edition's target audience is parents and caregivers of children in grades K-6.