Express cards (or radio frequency identification cards) add an extra level of safety for the youngest students as they board and disembark school buses.
Cards have been issued to PK-5 students to be used throughout their school years in Chesterfield County Public Schools. Students should bring their cards to school every day; they may be used on the bus, in the school library and in the school cafeteria.
Students place the card against a sensor as they board and disembark. The tablet will make a happy sound if the student is boarding/disembarking at the correct locations.
Parents can use My Stop to follow the bus the student rides, and the points at which the student enters and leaves the bus are recorded.
The cards do not track students. The cards only associate students to the bus they are riding so parents know where their students are and drivers know which stops are the correct stops.
Bus transportation is a privilege, and students riding school buses are required to obey all rules and regulations established by the school and driver. All buses are equipped with surveillance cameras to assist in safe transportation. Parents are encouraged to remind their children to respect the property of the school division and neighbors living near a bus stop. Inappropriate conduct while riding a school bus may result in denial of this privilege. The school principal and Transportation Department make disciplinary decisions about school bus transportation.